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Covid Patient Update

At Marquess Dental we have been working really hard to ensure that we are ready for you when you come to visit the practice. We have created this guide for you to know what to do before you visit us and what to expect during your visit.

Before you visit the practice:

  • Please ensure that you have used the toilet before attending the practice as the practice toilet will only be available by request for emergencies.
  • Please bring minimal belongings into the practice if possible.
  • If you have your own face mask, please arrive with this on, otherwise one will be provided on arrival.
  • Please remember to continue physical distancing throughout your visit.
  • We ask that you come to the practice on your own, unless you require a chaperone. If so we ask that the chaperone reads this guide as well.
  • At your appointment time, please use the intercom at the door, where a team member will meet you.
  • Please complete all requested forms online via the patient portal before attending the appointment (sent in a link to you in your reminder text and email). This greatly reduces your time at reception and means that we can give you as much time as possible with the dentist.

We will ask you the following questions before your appointment:

  • Have you tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 7 days?
  • Have you had any of the following symptoms in the past 7 days:
    – A New and persistent cough (coughing for more than an hour or more than three coughing episodes in a 24-hour period)?
    – High temperature or fever?
    – Loss of, or altered, sense of smell or taste?
  • Has anyone in your household had any of the same symptoms in the past 14 days?
  • Have you been advised to self-isolate as part of the “Test, Trace and Protect” strategy?

On arrival at the practice:

  • A team member will meet you wearing the appropriate PPE and provide you with a mask if you do not already have one. Please keep the covering over your mouth and nose until your dentist asks you to lower it for your assessment/treatment.
  • You will be asked to place any large items into crates in the designated area at reception.
  • We will provide you with a small sealable bag for your mobile phone, wallet and keys – please keep these in the sealed bag until you leave the practice.
  • We will then ask you to use the hand sanitiser at the sanitising station.
  • If haven’t filled in digital forms you will need to complete this using a clinipad which will then be sanitised
  • A dental nurse wearing the correct PPE will take you the surgery, again we remind you to keep your face covering on until you are asked to remove it for your assessment/treatment.
  • At the end of your treatment, replace your face covering and to use the hand sanitiser again when you return to reception.
  • Payment (contactless, if possible) will be collected, and any further appointments made if necessary. The card machine and any other patient contact points will be cleaned after use/contact.
  • You can then collect your belongings from the designated area and be escorted to the practice exit, disposing of mask and emptied sealable bag in the bin provided.

If you have any questions about your appointment, please get in touch with our team to discuss. We thank you for taking the time to read the new procedure and look forward to seeing you.

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Why choose us?

  1. 1 Over 10 years experience boasting state-of-the-art technology
  2. 2 Dental Plans from £16.74 per month with access to exclusive discounts
  3. 3 Dental Implants that appear and function like a natural tooth
  4. 4 Most of our team are Welsh speakers, allowing you to speak in your language of choice
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