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Strongest Evidence To Date Links Gum Health to Heart Problems

1 Minute 8th November 2013

“This research is truly ground-breaking. The potential link between what goes on in your mouth and the health of your heart has been an intense topic of debate for some time. This research clearly shows the more you improve and maintain your gum health, the less chance there is of developing a potential life-threatening illness.” Dr Carter, 2013.

Leading researchers (Desvarieux, M et. Al 2013) in the public health field have recently published ‘the most direct evidence yet’ that there is a positive correlation between the health of your gums and the strength of your heart.

Compelling evidence published in a study by the researchers from Columbia University has shown that as an individual’s gum health improves, their chances of developing ‘Atherosclerosis’ is significantly reduced.

According to NHS Choices (2013), Atherosclerosis is a ‘potentially serious condition where arteries become clogged up by fatty substances, such as cholesterol. These substances are called Plaques or Atheromas’. These blockages narrow the arteries that carry blood to and from your organs, including your heart, restricting the blood flow and causing potentially fatal effects.

The researches sampled 420 adults for an average of 3 years and in short, the evidence shows a positive correlation between the amount of plaque in an individuals mouth and the build up fatty substances on the arteries.

These findings place more emphasis than ever before on the importance of brushing your teeth twice a day before rinsing with anti-bacterial mouthwash and flossing to ensure you keep the level of plaque in your mouth to a minimum.

If you are unsure if you’re keeping your teeth as clean as you could be, or have any queries about your oral health, please contact us via our website or call us directly on 01248 787878 at our Dentist in Anglesey.


Desvarieux, M., Demmer, R.T., Jacobs, D.R., Papananou, P.N., Sacco, R.L., Rundek, T., 2013. Journal of the American Heart Association.

NHS Choices, 2013. Atherosclerosis.


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