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Want straighter teeth but not sure what option is best for you?

1 Minute 19th September 2014

Many patients have attended stating that the want straight teeth but are bamboozled by all of the options out there. So I thought that it would be good to write a series of blog posts explaining the options available.


There are two types of orthodontic treatments that are available for adults

I will write in more detail on both of the above in future blogs, but to summarise

Comprehensive (conventional) Orthodontics – means the movement of all teeth – molars, premolars, canines and finally incisors – into the correct relationship with each other.

Short – Term Orthodontics (Cosmetic Orthodontics) – this predominately works by straightening the teeth that you see when you smile – usually your canines and incisors, and occasionally your first premolars.

Here, at Marquess Dental, Anglesey, we have the ability to provide both options so patients have a full choice of treatment options, and can chose the one that is right for them.

Over the next few blog posts, in addition to discussing the above two types of teeth straightening,  we will also discuss the different methods of moving teeth, which may be via use of clear aligners  which clip over your teeth, or through the use of brackets and wires. Brackets are available not only available using stainless steal, but also in tooth coloured plastics and ceramics, and wires can also be coated with a tooth coloured coating, ensuring that they are minimally visible in your day to day life.


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